Author: bbc_wp

Jesus is Coming Again

Are you ready when Jesus comes again? Have you done all you can do? The May 3, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

Fear Not!

It’s real easy to be afraid when you’re stuck like we are and listening to the news every day, but God says not to be dismayed or afraid. When God makes a promise he keeps that promise! The April 26, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

The Fingerprint of God

We know these truths today not just by reason, but by the heart. The April 19, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

Tetelestai, It Is Finished

Through the excruciatas of Christ came hope for us. The April 12, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

The Lamb of God

Jesus was the sacrifice for our salvation, forever. The April 5, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

Never Alone

What a blessing that in a time of isolation, we can have the holy, almighty, everlasting God with us — in us — constantly. The March 29, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

Our God, My God

In a time of national emergency, we remember who is in control — the one who loves us and takes care of us. The March 15, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

The Power of One Voice

Never underestimate what God can do through a single person committed to standing up for what is right. The March 8, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

No Sovereign but God and No King but Jesus

There is no ruler that God doesn’t overrule. The March 1, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

Try Jesus

What has you beaten down and defeated today? The February 23, 2020, Sunday morning message from Pastor Tommy Weldy.

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